Fascination Two-wheels
This beautiful Glen was once in Febuary 1692 unfortunately the site of a long planned massacre in which many lives were lost.

Year after year, thousands of two-wheeled adventurers take to the roads on their annual holidays hoping to spend and enjoy the planned trip accordingly. The long, cold winter months gave us enough time to plan our route in great detail and sort out our needed touring equipment.
As the first rays of spring sunshine arrive, we'll start organizing our holiday thoughts ready for the start of our big adventure and as the starting date closes, we'll be busy getting our panniers and bags packed ready for this years departure
and why not? Is there indeed a better way to travel than on two wheels? Can you think of a nicer way to visit and tour your chosen travel destination? No, probably not, and if properly planned you're sure to experience the holiday of a lifetime.

The freedom and fun of two-wheeled touring can indeed become highly addictive be it motorized or by pedal power. This sheer indescribable feeling, that one has when underway on two wheels is something, that has fascinated many over the years and even been the basis for a whole industrial branch. The boom to get away each year on two-wheels and see and experience the world in another sort of fashion, a fashion that is indeed on the rise and this since several years now, is growing annually. So, why not join on in and start having fun likewise?

Enjoying the scenic highlights while passing through "Glen Coe", Scotland.
Cycling through the awesome, haunting landscapes of Monument Valley, Arizona USA is surely one of the biggest highlights in a cyclist's lifetime!
Monument Valley, Arizona, USA.

